kamea chayne kamea chayne

Connecting underrepresented youth to the outdoors and careers in conservation (interview with angelou ezeilo of greening youth foundation)

In this podcast episode, Angelou sheds light on the consequences of having a lack of diversity within federal land management agencies and outdoor apparel companies; how more diverse representation within the environmental movement can transform the ways we approach conservation and engagement with nature; and more.

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kamea chayne kamea chayne

Stopping our insurance companies from investing in and insuring coal (interview with peter bosshard of unfriend coal)

In this podcast episode, Peter sheds light on how our financial institutions and insurance companies have been covertly shaping market trends and enabling the continued expansion and growth of the fossil fuel industry; how we can get our insurance companies to divest from and stop insuring coal plants and fossil fuel operations; and more.

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kamea chayne kamea chayne

Balancing the acceptance of earth's ongoing transformations with our power to enact change (interview with behavioral ecologist fred provenza, part 2)

In this podcast episode, Fred sheds light on what we can learn from the perspective that our planet and all life within it operate at different levels of consciousness and senses of whole, part, and self; how we can at the same time accept the fact that our Earth is constantly consuming herself and in transformation, while reclaiming our power to do what we can to realize the world we wish to live in; and more.

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kamea chayne kamea chayne

Restoring the new york harbor to the thriving marine ecosystem it once was (interview with murray fisher of billion oyster project)

In this podcast episode, Murray sheds light on how restoring oyster reefs will be a crucial step towards restoring the New York Harbor to being one of the most ecologically diverse marine ecosystems as it once was; the power in leading restoration and rewilding projects in the heart of urban landscapes as opposed to out in more remote regions; and more.

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