Brady Walkinshaw: Empowering activists with solutions-driven environmental journalism (ep291)
In this Green Dreamer Podcast episode, Brady Walkinshaw discusses nonprofit environmental journalism at GRIST, the importance of highlighting solutions, and more.
Thomas Frank: The u.S. History of populism and people's movements (ep290)
In this Green Dreamer Podcast episode, Thomas Frank discusses the history of populism, the rise of 'Trumpism', and what's needed to redirect American politics towards one that serves its people.
Farmer Rishi: Relearning the language of earth embodiment (ep288, ep289)
In this Green Dreamer Podcast episode, Farmer Rishi discusses why we need to reframe the dominant Western environmentalist language of human impact inherently being destructive.
Mark Rectanus: Corporate influence on art museums and culture (ep287)
In this Green Dreamer Podcast episode, Mark Rectanus discusses the impact of globalization on art museums, the influence of corporate money on culture, and more.
Elin Kelsey: Remembering the critical role of hope in activism (ep286)
In this Green Dreamer Podcast episode, Elin Kelsey discusses the critical role of hope within environmental activism.
Loren Cardeli: Dismantling injustice in the food system and building farmer autonomy (ep285)
In this Green Dreamer Podcast episode, Loren discusses issues pertaining to smallholder farmer justice, decentralizing power in the food system, and more.
Sandra Goldmark: Redefining materialism and reviving the repair economy (ep284)
In this Green Dreamer Podcast episode, Sandra Goldmark discusses the repair economy, how we might look at ‘materialism’ differently’, the business incentive for supporting circularity, and more.
Sanjay Rawal: Honoring the native lands and farmworkers who feed us (ep283)
In this Green Dreamer Podcast episode, Sanjay Rawal discusses farmworker justice, Native American food sovereignty, and his work as a documentary filmmaker.
Maya Van Rossum: Transforming politics with environmental constitutionalism (ep282)
In this Green Dreamer Podcast episode, Maya van Rossum discusses how environmental policy has been setting us up for failure, why we need to work on environmental constitutionalism, and more.
Stephen J. Pyne: The pyrocene and humanity's historical relationship with fire (ep281)
In this Green Dreamer Podcast episode, Stephen Pyne discusses the age of the Pyrocene, Native American cultural burning, the regenerative role of wildfires, and more.
Luisa Maffi [part 2]: Uniting in support of a global biocultural extinction rebellion
Dr. Maffi sheds light on what it means to champion a new type of extinction rebellion—namely, a biocultural extinction rebellion; how all of our current forms of political and economic frameworks—socialism, communism, capitalism, and so on—all share a common worldview of natural resources; what might be at stake if we continued to only address biodiversity loss without preserving cultural and language diversity; and more.
Luisa Maffi [part 1]: Weaving together biological diversity and cultural and language diversity
In this podcast episode, Dr. Maffi sheds light on the current trends of language and cultural diversity loss; what might be at stake if we continued to try to only address biodiversity loss without at the same time preserving cultural and language diversity; and more.
Chelsea Mikael Frazier: Learning environmentalism through the lens of black feminism
In this podcast episode, Dr. Chelsea Mikael Frazier sheds light on why there traditionally has been a lack of diversity in the field of environmentalism; how our world might change if the people currently most marginalized in our society, such as Black and Indigenous women, were centered and honored as leaders of our future; and more.
Briony Penn: Inspiring deeper connections to place through community mapping
In this podcast episode, Briony sheds light on the potential limitations of specialized fields of western science in conservation; how the maps that we’ve been taught to understand the world through have shaped our cultural and societal values; and more.
Jesse Mcdougall: Welcoming wildlife and biological abundance to regenerative agroecosystems
In this podcast episode, Jesse sheds light on his experience writing legislation in support of regenerative agriculture in the state of Vermont, why measurements focused on carbon alone are too limiting and inadequate indicators of land restoration and soil health; and more.