Edgar Villanueva: Money as sacred medicine (ep337)
Edgar Villanueva on decolonizing wealth and philanthropy, seeing the potential role of money as sacred medicine, and more.
Max Ajl: A deeper green new deal for the people (ep336)
Max Ajl on reframing the “development-underdevelopment” dyad, the implicit principles that Green New Deals uphold, and more.
Emma Bedor Hiland: The digitization of mental healthcare (ep335)
Emma Hiland on thinking more deeply about the drivers of our mental health crisis, the fetishization of technologies as the solution, building human-centered forms of care and network, and more.
Melanie Yazzie: Building indigenous solidarity and power (ep334)
Melanie Yazzie on scholar activism, whitewashed histories, theories of change, building power, internationalist solidarity, The Red Deal, and more.
David Boarder Giles: A mass conspiracy to feed each other (ep333)
David Giles on the contradiction of the co-existence of food waste and food insecurity, prefiguring gift economies and alternative worlds, and more.
Konda Mason: Holding love capital sacred (ep332)
Konda Mason on racial capitalism, regenerative philanthropy, honoring various forms of capital beyond financial capital, and more.
Monica Gagliano: Regenerating the human spirit (ep331)
Monica Gagliano shares about practicing imaginative science, regenerating the human spirit, recognizing the world's own agency, and more.
Fariha Róisín: Finding healing beyond the wellness-industrial-complex (ep330)
Fariha Róisín shares about the wellness-industrial-complex, healing with plant medicines, and more.
Kristina Lyons: Soil as cultural, relational, historical (ep329)
Kristina Lyons shares about the war on drugs and the war on terror showing up in concert on Colombian soils, a scientific colonization of the Amazon, and more.
Nick Estes: Decolonial histories and the red deal (ep328)
Nick Estes discusses decolonizing history, prefigurative visions from Native communities, and how the green movement is falling short.
Shilpa Jain: Cycle of hurt, cycle of healing (ep327)
Shilpa Jain discusses moving beyond the trappings of academia towards deeper alignment, working towards collective liberation through, and embracing conflict in a generative way.
Pete Davis: Committing in an age of endless browsing (ep326)
Pete Davis discusses choice paralysis, a dominant cultural resistance to commitment, and what sticking to something for the long-haul may accomplish.
Karen Washington: Food security, justice, sovereignty (ep325)
In this Green Dreamer Podcast episode, Karen Washington discusses food security, justice, and sovereignty, and pathways to decentralize power in the system.
Alnoor Ladha: Sacred activism and contextualized spirituality (ep324)
Alnoor Ladha discusses sacred activism, the nonprofit-industrial-complex, and “sustainable development”.
Raj Patel And Rupa Marya: Deep medicine for collective healing (ep323)
In this Green Dreamer Podcast episode, Dr. Raj Patel and Dr. Rupa Marya discuss their new book, Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice, the healthcare industry, decolonial healing, and more.